Finally summer’s here … and what better way to enjoy a refreshing cup of ice cream with your friends… At Wald you will find items suitable for organizing an outdoor dinner, a buffet with friends or a funny happy hour: napkin holders, door glasses, cutlery, baskets of fruit, ice cream cups, cups for milk shakes […]. [ continua ]
This weekend at Rodrigo doubles discount! Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 May at the outlets of San Benedetto del Tronto and Chieti 20% discount to which you are entitled by showing your In-outlet Card will add an extra discount of 20%: 20 +20 = 40% on dresses, jackets and shirts M / L! To take […]. [ continua ]
Are you stuck in traffic? Dreams of meeting your friends for a drink at the beach or do nothing but think about that pair of sandals 12heel? But it’s Monday morning, the week has just begun and you’re driving to the office … traffic lights, tail, horn …nervously change station looking for a song to […]. [ continua ]
Leafing through the In-outlet guide you’ll find as testimonial for the Andrea Morelli collection the beautiful showgirl Cristina Chiabotto. [ continua ]
Undeniable success in the world of haute couture of Roberto Botticelli brand, a mixture of masterpieces of creativity and craftsmanship, which characterize bags and shoes, are waiting for you in the 11th edition of the In-outlet guide. [ continua ]